Laser Turret

From the Dyson Sphere Program Wiki
Revision as of 02:35, 29 February 2024 by Sup3r87 (talk | contribs) (Added more info about the laser turret and why it's useful.)
Laser Turret
High-energy laser beams will be emitted to keep strafing enemy units when they enter the defensive range. High temperatures lead to sustained damage to targets. Laser Towers' high-frequency lasers can hit targets precisely and in a short period of time, but they consume a lot of energy.
Icon Laser Turret.png
Durability560 hp
Turret TypeEnergy Weapon
Target TypeVS Ground & Air
Range of Ground Defense40 m
DPS120.0 hp
Work Consumption3.00 MW
Idle Consumption120 kW
Made inAssembler
Stack Size50

Icon Laser Turret.png
6 s
Icon Steel.png
Icon Plasma Exciter.png
Icon Circuit Board.png
Icon Photon Combiner.png


High-energy laser beams will be emitted to keep strafing enemy units when they enter the defensive range. High temperatures lead to sustained damage to targets. Laser Towers' high-frequency lasers can hit targets precisely and in a short period of time, but they consume a lot of energy.

Laser turret is a single target turret (only damages one unit at a time). It is the only turret in the game that does not require any ammunition to run, making it very easy to integrate into a defensive line or set up low maintenance defenses with.

Production Chain

Recipe Building Replicator? Technology
Icon Laser Turret.png
6 s
Icon Steel.png
Icon Plasma Exciter.png
Icon Circuit Board.png
Icon Photon Combiner.png
Icon Assembling Machine Mk.I.pngIcon Assembling Machine Mk.II.pngIcon Assembling Machine Mk.III.pngIcon Re-composing Assembler.png
Tech Planetary Defense System.png

Production Progression Chart

For more information on reading and using these charts, see Production Progression Chart.

Player Tips & Tricks

Researching Energy Weapon Damage doesn't show a +X hp added to the info box of the Laser Turret, but it does increase the damage listed under its DPS. Note that when that research says "Energy Weapons Damage +x%" it means by +x% of the original damage value.

Laser Turret additional damage per level
Energy Weapon Damage Level Damage +x% Additional Damage Cumulative Damage
- - - 120.0 hp
1 +10% 12 132.0 hp
2 +10% 12 144.0 hp
3 +20% 24 168.0 hp
4 +30% 36 204.0 hp
5 +30% 36 240.0 hp
6+ +20% 24 264.0 hp
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