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* Wikitext-Extension-Gadget
* Based on The Apple Wiki
* Adapted from
* Modified by The Apple Wiki to support all editor options via gadget checkboxes
* @copyright Copyright (c) Rowe Wilson Frederisk Holme. All rights reserved.
* @license [ MIT License]
// <nowiki>
(function(mw, $) {
'use strict';
// Check if it is a touch device
if(window.matchMedia('(hover: none)').matches) {
// Device is likely not on VSCode supported OS
// check is editable or its source can be viewed
if (!mw.config.get('wgIsProbablyEditable') && $('#ca-viewsource').length === 0) {
// if not, do nothing
var configs = {
VSCode: {
shortName: 'Code',
fullName: 'Visual Studio Code',
scheme: 'vscode'
VSCodeInsiders: {
shortName: 'Code',
fullName: 'Visual Studio Code - Insiders',
scheme: 'vscode-insiders'
VSCodium: {
shortName: 'VSCodium',
fullName: 'VSCodium',
scheme: 'vscodium'
// Load the config for the option the user selected.
var config = {};
var configNames = ['VSCode', 'VSCodeInsiders', 'VSCodium'];
for (var i = 0; i < configNames.length; i++) {
var name = configNames[i];
if (mw.user.options.get('gadget-Wikitext-Extension-' + name) === '1') {
config = configs[name];
// i18n
var i18nSource = {
english: {
text: 'Open in $1',
tooltip: 'Open this page in $1',
russian: {
text: 'Открыть в $1',
tooltip: 'Открыть эту страницу в $1',
japanese: {
text: '$1 で開く',
tooltip: 'このページを $1 で開く',
cantonese: {
text: '開啟於 $1',
tooltip: '喺 $1 開呢個頁面',
simplified_chinese: {
text: '在 $1 中打开',
tooltip: '在 $1 中打开此页面',
traditional_chinese: {
text: '使用 $1 開啟',
tooltip: '以 $1 開啟此頁面',
korean: {
text: '$1 에서 열기',
tooltip: '이 페이지를 $1 에서 열기',
thai: {
text: 'เปิดใน $1',
tooltip: 'เปิดหน้านี้ใน $1',
vietnamese: {
text: 'Mở trong $1',
tooltip: 'Mở trang này trong $1',
indonesian: {
text: 'Buka di $1',
tooltip: 'Buka halaman ini di $1',
polish: {
text: 'Otwórz w $1',
tooltip: 'Otwórz tę stronę w $1',
dutch: {
text: 'Open in $1',
tooltip: 'Open deze pagina in $1',
french: {
text: 'Ouvrir dans $1',
tooltip: 'Ouvrir cette page dans $1',
german: {
text: 'Öffnen in $1',
tooltip: 'Öffne diese Seite in $1',
var i18n = {
'en': i18nSource['english'],
'ru': i18nSource['russian'],
'ja': i18nSource['japanese'],
'ko': i18nSource['korean'],
'yue': i18nSource['cantonese'],
'zh-yue': i18nSource['cantonese'],
'zh': i18nSource['simplified_chinese'],
'zh-hans': i18nSource['simplified_chinese'],
'zh-cn': i18nSource['simplified_chinese'],
'zh-sg': i18nSource['simplified_chinese'],
'zh-my': i18nSource['simplified_chinese'],
'zh-hant': i18nSource['traditional_chinese'],
'zh-tw': i18nSource['traditional_chinese'],
'zh-hk': i18nSource['traditional_chinese'],
'zh-mo': i18nSource['traditional_chinese'],
'th': i18nSource['thai'],
'vi': i18nSource['vietnamese'],
'id': i18nSource['indonesian'],
'pl': i18nSource['polish'],
'nl': i18nSource['dutch'],
'fr': i18nSource['french'],
'de': i18nSource['german'],
var lang = mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage');
var displayInfo = Object.assign(
i18nSource['english'], // default language
i18n[lang.split('-')[0]], // language without region
i18n[lang] // exact language
var shortName = config.shortName;
var fullName = config.fullName;
var scheme = config.scheme;
var extensionID = 'rowewilsonfrederiskholme.wikitext';
var actionPath = '/PullPage';
var args = {
RemoteBot: 'true',
TransferProtocol: window.location.protocol,
// 'https://host' => '//host':$wgServer
SiteHost: mw.config.get('wgServer').replace(/^[\w-]*?:(?=\/\/)/, ''),
APIPath: mw.util.wikiScript('api'),
Title: mw.config.get('wgPageName')
scheme + '://' + extensionID + actionPath + '?' + new URLSearchParams(args).toString(),
displayInfo['text'].replace('$1', shortName),
'wikitext-extension-gadget-' + scheme,
displayInfo['tooltip'].replace('$1', fullName),
// @ts-expect-error - mediaWiki and jQuery are available in the global scope
})(mediaWiki, jQuery);